
My name is Ian Potash and I am an artist and animator from Syracuse, New York. I am a recent graduate of Alfred State College’s Digital Media and Animation program, minoring in Information Technology. Over the years, I have had my work shown in exhibition statewide. My time at Alfred State has exposed me to many different styles and mediums that I have since incorporated into my work.

I believe that a strong foundation in the principles of design are universal skills that can be applied to any medium, which is why I have showcased my work in video and more traditional art. Often times, different skills will overlap, such as the necessity for composition skills and dynamic motion to stage out an animated sequence through storyboards for one example. To this end, I’ve mastered many programs used in the professional industry, as well as a few with more specialized programs.

While I am knowledgeable and proficient in the different areas of production, I like to showcase my strengths while also challenging myself to master new things. I’ve chosen to display a few collaborative projects represent a success in communication and teamwork. Whether in a leadership role or just fulfilling my role, I always strive to create something different.

Aside from art, I’ve spent time as a musician being the first chair tuba player in the West Genesee Wind Ensemble and section leader for the Wildcat Marching Band. I’ve continued this passion into college and played in the Alfred State Instrumental Band and Jazz Band. I was also inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. Being involved in the campus’ own Honors Program also helped keep me involved with the community.

Over the years, I’ve had my work shown in various exhibitions, such as NYSATA/NYSSBA, Feats of Clay, Scholastic Art & Writing, and the Bret Llewellyn Art Gallery. Additionally, I have had work published in Ergo Magazine and Rolling Stone.

Software Expertise

  • Maya
  • 3ds Max
  • Mudbox
  • Unity
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe AfterEffects
  • Adobe Animate
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Audition
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Global Mapper